Expertise and Education

  • I earned my undergraduate degree in pychology from Auburn University and my Ph.D. in Psychology from Vanderbilt University with a specialization in Health Psychology.
  • I completed my internship through Dartmouth Medical School and completed a postdoctoral fellowship there with a specialization in Behavioral Medicine.
  • I believe that enriching work experiences strengthen and balance my clinical practice, so I divide my time between my private practice at Behavioral Medicine Institute, providing clinical/program services through the Cancer Support Community East Tennessee, and serving as Assistant Clinical Professor in the University of Tennessee's Department of Psychology.


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Dr. Stillman specialzes in empirically-based, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), has a clinical focus in Health Psychology, and is an Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Tennessee Knoxville.

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Dr. Stillman has 35 years of training and experience in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Dr. Stillman has training and experience in using CBT theory and principles to treat coping with chronic illness, coping with cancer, chronic pain management, insomnia and sleep disturbance, somatic anxiety, phobic anxiety, panic attacks, and illness-related depression.

Brain chemistry

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Call +1-865-BMI-2400

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 Empowered with knowledge and understanding and new cognitive-behavioral tools, improvement is possible!